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Frequently asked questions

Will be around in the next six years?

Yes, it’s an open source project.

How do I transfer colors, font and backgrounds from Notion into 2anki?

They are included in the HTML export. Make sure you export your page as HTML.

Where are the servers running?

Main server via Hetzner is running in Finland (HEL1). DigitalOcean via the Frankfurt datacenter (FRA1) and Netlify for CDN is world-wide.

How do I become a successful developer?

Do things and tell people.

How do I come up with ideas?

Go and read about people’s problems on the internet and solve them.

What is the goal of 2anki?

Notion + Anki = 💛

How do I add images to the front of the card?

Here is a video demonstrating

🗺Making flashcards with maps using notion2anki 🗾

How do I make Cloze Deletions

Here is our playlist on Cloze Deletions

[᠁] Cloze Deletions

How to Create Cloze Deletions With Notion to Anki

Why don’t you just make a Anki add-on?

I am personally not interested in maintaining a Anki add-on. I am very confident that the web is the way to go, let me elaborate.

It’s not an experience I desire for myself. Making websites is simple, rewarding, and normal people will appreciate it in many cases. The barrier for entry is lower. The tools are really good and they keep getting better.

It’s no secret that add-on development for Anki is like the wild wild west. Stuff keeps breaking between versions and so on. Checkout this podcast episode for a better understanding of my views on this particular subject Deep Weeb Podcast # 4 - Alexander Alemayhu and the challenges of the Anki Ecosystem.

When all of that is said, if enough people beg me to create a official Anki add-on. I will likely do it, but until I am convinced of the return of investment it will only be a nice to have.

What are input cards?

Checking Your Answers With Notion to Anki - Treat Bold Text as Input