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The Strategy

The long-term is to provide a smooth experience collaborating on Anki deck creation. Whether you are doing this alone as an indiviual or a group of people.

v1 - Web support

The first major version of added support for Notion and enabling you to convert HTML, ZIP, CSV and Markdown files. This has been succesfull to a varying degree depending on your use case.

v2 - stabilization and more platforms

There are still several issues in that needs to be a adressed. Some of them are due to the poor design. Desing in this case is meant how you use. For the next phase of this project, I want to re-design the user journey and feature set to provide you with more flexibility while increasing stability.

So the focus for 2024 and 2025 is providing the following things

  • New API which is more flexible and stable
  • A redesigned web app that is progressive with offline-support
  • A better synchronisation mechanism into Anki-web (less manual)